In a significant breakthrough, the Mumbai Police have arrested the primary accused in the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The accused, who lives with friends in a rented house in Koliwada, Worli, Mumbai, was arrested from Thane and has now confessed to committing the crime.
According to the police, he used multiple aliases, including Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas to hide. He worked as a waiter at a hotel and bar in the Kasarvadavali area of Thane. Last night, he was hiding behind trees on a deserted street near the hotel, when Police traced him using his mobile location and surrounded him.
The accused had been unemployed for several months, which may have prompted him to target Saif’s house for financial gain.
He is currently being held at the Khar Police station for further interrogation by the police.
UPDATE | Saif Ali Khan attack case | Mumbai Police has confirmed that the accused was using multiple names including Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas.
— ANI (@ANI) January 19, 2025
Earlier, another person was detained in Mumbai and it was assumed that he had connections with the robbery case. His pictures and videos soon went viral on internet, however, police later clarified that he was not involved in the case in any way.
Later, another suspect was detained in Chattisgarh yesterday. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) in Raipur caught the suspect, Aakash Kanojia, on the train Jnaneswari Express at Durg in Chhattisgarh. The suspect, who is 32-33 years old, was then handed over to the Mumbai Police. The RPF also released a photograph of the suspect, Aakash Kanojia, facilitating wider identification and aiding in the ongoing probe
The Mumbai police will provide further details about the case at a briefing scheduled for 9 am today at the DCP zone IX office.
About The Unfortunate Incident
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times in his Bandra apartment in the early hours of Thursday.
The actor was immediately taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital for treatment after sustaining major injuries, including stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
According to the hospital administration, Saif Ali Khan was doing well and has been moved from the ICU to a normal room. The surgery, which involved removing a 2.5-inch-long blade, was successful, and while Saif is currently “out of danger,” medical staff continue to monitor his condition closely.