Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attacker has been detained by the police, a day after the actor was stabbed multiple times during a violent confrontation at his Bandra residence. The shocking incident unfolded early Thursday morning when an intruder attempted to break into Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s home, resulting in a violent altercation.
Mumbai Police have brought one individual to the Bandra Police station for questioning. The person was detained as part of the police’s efforts to unravel the circumstances surrounding the violent incident that took place at the actor’s residence. Authorities are trying to piece together the details of the attack, including the suspect’s motives and how they managed to break into the high-security residence. As the investigation progresses, the police are closely examining all leads to ensure a thorough resolution to the case.
#WATCH | Saif Ali Khan Attack Case | Mumbai Police bring one person to Bandra Police station for questioning.
— ANI (@ANI) January 17, 2025
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Incident Details: How Saif Ali Khan Was Injured
Saif was awakened to the sounds of a confrontation between his servant and an intruder who had entered their home. The thief attempted a break-in but was confronted by Saif’s servant. During the scuffle, the actor was injured, sustaining six stab wounds. Two of these injuries were deep, with one wound close to his spine.
A team of expert doctors, including Neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, and Anaesthetist Dr. Nisha Gandhi, is performing the surgery. According to Dr. Uttamani, the surgery began at 5:30 am and was still ongoing at 8:30 am. The doctors have assured that they will be able to determine the full extent of the injuries once the procedure is completed.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case UPDATE: Suspect Last Spotted Near Bandra Station, Confirms Police!
As the investigation into the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case unfolds, Mumbai Police are working diligently to gather more information and piece together the events surrounding the violent incident.
#WATCH | Saif Ali Khan Attack Case | Mumbai Police bring one person to Bandra Police station for questioning.
— ANI (@ANI) January 17, 2025
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