Indian actor Saif Ali Khan is making headlines after a troubling incident at his home on Thursday night. An intruder broke in and attacked him with a knife, leaving him injured. Thankfully, the police responded quickly and arrested the intruder.
The Mumbai Police stated today that the individual taken to the Bandra police station for interrogation is not connected to the Saif Ali Khan attack case. They added, “No one is detained in Saif Ali Khan Attack Case of now.”
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On Friday, Mumbai police took a suspect to the Bandra Police Station for questioning regarding the attack on the actor. Reports state that the man’s identity remains unknown. He was detained after the police questioned several individuals who resembled the attacker, according to an official.
About The Incident
Saif Ali Khan was attacked multiple times with a knife by an intruder in his luxurious high-rise apartment in Bandra early Thursday morning. He was rushed to the hospital with the weapon still embedded in his spine.
The actor suffered six to seven stab wounds, including one in his neck, during the attack on Thursday night. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital reported that he is now safe and recovering after undergoing emergency surgery.
Saif Ali Khan was transported to Lilavati Hospital by his son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, following the incident, which occurred outside his younger son Jeh’s room at approximately 2:30 AM. CCTV footage captured the suspected attacker, wearing a red scarf and carrying a backpack, hurriedly descending the stairs from the sixth floor of the Satguru Sharan building, where Khan resides.
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