Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has hit headlines after he was attacked by an intruder in his house during the early hours of Thursday, January 16, 2025. He is currently undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. The terrifying incident has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry. The incident has also sparked a flurry of reactions by social media users.
Many users have raised suspicions over the matter questioning the motive behind the attack and where was his security at the time of the attack. Netizens also questioned, “How did the intruder enter Saif’s bedroom?”
“How He Could Enter Saif’s Flat?
A user wrote, “Something is fishy. they have so many security guards, how did they miss the intruder? Even if its at 3 Am. Obviously he knows someone from inside who gave him entry or else has worked in same premises before so he know the entry points. How he could enter Saif’s flat? Also these celebs have maids staying in their home, where were all they when there was a scuffle between Saif and Intruder. I dont believe this story of “Intruder”.
“Something Not Normal”
Another user commented, “Something not normal The robber entered such a society and entered home without an insiders job or something else….Happened and this is some cover up story? Something is missing…when we hear this at very first time.”
A third user suspected an ‘argument went wrong’. He wrote, “They clearly have 24/7 security guards, alarm systems/cctvs.”
Reaction Of Other Users
Also Read: Why Was Saif Ali Khan Attacked? Shocking New Details Of The Incident Emerge!