Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times by an intruder at his residence in Bandra West, Mumbai, in the early hours of January 16, Thursday. The actor sustained multiple injuries, including serious wounds to his neck, stomach, and back, with one injury affecting his thoracic spine. Following the attack, Khan managed to take an auto-rickshaw to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is currently recovering.
Doctor’s From Lilavati Hospital Issued Statement
Dr. Iraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, recounted the harrowing moment when Khan arrived at the facility. “I was the first one to meet Saif Ali Khan when he came to the hospital. He was drenched in blood but walked in like a lion with only his small kid, Taimur. Saif Ali Khan is a real hero… He is doing well and has been shifted from ICU to a normal room,” Dr. Uttamani stated, highlighting the actor’s resilience in the face of danger.
#WATCH | Saif Ali Khan Attack Case | Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital says, "I was the first one to meet Saif Ali Khan when he came to the hospital. He was drenched in blood but he walked in like a lion with only his small kid, Taimur. Saif Ali Khan is…
— ANI (@ANI) January 17, 2025
Auto Driver Speaks On Incident
Initial reports suggested that Khan’s elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, was the one who rushed him to the hospital. However, as reported by India Today in recent statements from Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto-rickshaw driver who transported the actor, indicate that it was actually Khan’s younger son, Taimur, who accompanied him. “I saw a man covered in blood come out with a small child. They decided to go to Lilavati, and I dropped them off there,” Rana explained, adding that he only later realized he had helped Saif Ali Khan.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Attack: Details Of His Injuries Revealed – Where And How The Bollywood Star Was Hurt!
Public Speculation And Concerns
The revelation that Taimur, just eight years old, was present during such a traumatic event has sparked widespread concern and speculation among fans and netizens. Many are questioning why the actor chose to take his young son with him to the hospital instead of seeking help from other adults. As of now, neither Saif Ali Khan’s team nor his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, has issued an official statement to clarify the situation, leaving the public to ponder the circumstances surrounding this alarming incident.
As the investigation continues, fans are hoping for a swift recovery for the beloved actor and clarity on the events that transpired that fateful night.