On January 16th, actor Saif Ali Khan, was brutally attacked and stabbed six times. More than 48 hours later, Saif is reported to be recovering and is now out of danger. Doctors have assured that the actor will be discharged soon from Mumbai’s Leelavati Hospital, where he has been receiving treatment.
Medical Insurance And Payment Details Leaked
In the aftermath of the attack, Saif Ali Khan’s medical insurance documents were leaked, revealing sensitive information about the cost of his treatment. The actor holds a Niva Bupa Health Insurance policy, and the leaked documents suggest that he claimed a mediclaim of Rs. 35.95 lakhs, with Rs. 25 lakhs already approved. Additionally, the documents exposed his member ID, treatment details, room category, and his expected discharge date.
Health insurance approval of Saif Ali khan
— SACHIN TIWARI (@GreatTiwari80) January 17, 2025
Immediate response from them coz of Celebrity while common man struggles for it…#SaifAliKhan #SaifAliKhanAttacked #SAIFALIKHANATTACK pic.twitter.com/A0xw46zOcb
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case Update: Kareena Kapoor Gives Statement To Police Following Attack At Home!
Discharge Date Confirmed
According to the leaked documents, Saif Ali Khan is expected to be discharged from Leelavati Hospital on January 21st, Tuesday. While Saif has not publicly commented on the leaked information, Niva Bupa, the insurance company, has expressed its concern for the actor’s recovery. A spokesperson from the company stated:
“Before his hospitalization, we received a cashless pre-authorization request from them, and we approved the initial amount to start the treatment. After the treatment, once we receive the final bill, we will settle it as per the terms and conditions.”
Despite the sensitive nature of the leak, neither Saif Ali Khan nor his family has issued any official statement regarding the documents.
Devendra Fadnavis Assures Quick Arrest Of Attacker
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis addressed the media, assuring that the attacker will be apprehended soon. He stated that the police are making significant progress in the investigation, with multiple clues leading to a swift arrest.
Also Read: Urvashi Rautela Apologises To Saif Ali Khan For Making Insensitive Comment About Stabbing Case: ‘Was Unaware’