Saif Ali Khan has been making headlines because of the stabbing incident that took place on January 16th at his 12th-floor apartment in the upscale Bandra area in Mumbai. As the actor underwent two surgeries, got discharged after 5 days, and police arrested a Bangladeshi man in connection with the attack, several angles have come up in the last eight days along with various conspiracy angles.
In a recent statement by Saif Ali Khan, he told Mumbai police about what all happened that day, which raises more mystery around the attack on the Bollywood star. He stated, “Sensing a threat, I attempted to grab him. After a while, during the scuffle, he started stabbing me. He stabbed me in my back, neck and hands. The caretaker had managed to leave the room with Jeh by then. I somehow attempted to overpower the attacker and locked him inside the room.”
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The post was posted by Telegraph online on Instagram with the caption, “Saif tells Mumbai police had locked his attacker in his son Jeh’s room. How did the attacker then escape and take the stairs where he was caught on CCTV? Also, have Saif or Kareena identified the arrested accused?”
About The Case
Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked early Thursday morning in his upscale apartment in Bandra. An intruder stabbed him several times with a knife, leaving him with serious injuries, including a stab wound to his neck. He was quickly taken to Lilavati Hospital by his son, Ibrahim, after the incident, which occurred just outside his younger son’s room around 2:30 AM.
CCTV footage showed the attacker, who’s believed to be involved, running down the stairs from the sixth floor while wearing a red scarf and carrying a backpack. Fortunately, Saif Ali Khan has now been discharged from the hospital and is currently working with the police to provide information about the attack.
Also Read Saif Ali Khan: Why Is Actor’s Home In Bandra, Where He Was Stabbed, So Special?