New Delhi: On June 10, popular TV actress Rubina Dilaik was involved in a car accident. The incident occurred in Mumbai in the afternoon as she was driving her automobile. Her husband, Abhinav Shukla, later turned to Twitter to disclose the details of the accident. He also stated that Rubina is doing well and that he is taking her to the doctor. The actor also shared photos from the accident site.
Rubina Dilaik meets with car accident
On June 10, Rubina Dilaik met with an automobile accident. Her husband, Abhinav Shukla, stated that she is OK and that she underwent medical testing.
Taking to Twitter, Abhinav shared, “Happened to us, can happen to you. Beware of idiots on the phone jumping traffic lights. To top it up standing there smiling. More details later. Rubina was in car she is fine, taking her for medical. @MTPHereToHelp @MumbaiPolice request you to take strict action ! @RubiDilaik (sic).”
Happened to us, can happen to you. Beware of idiots on the phone jumping traffic lights. To top it up standing there smiling. More details later. Rubina was in car she is fine, taking her for medical. @MTPHereToHelp @MumbaiPolice request you to take strict action ! @RubiDilaik
---Advertisement---— Abhinav Shukla (@ashukla09) June 10, 2023
Abhinav also posted two images of the crash scene, in which the cars appear to be damaged. He claimed Rubina was unharmed but was taken aback by the incident.