New Delhi: Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal have been updating their followers with beautiful photos from their pre-wedding celebrations as they are in Delhi for their pre-wedding festivities. We can’t stop staring at the actress’ stunning images from her mehendi and haldi rituals, which she uploaded on Sunday. As they enjoy their mehendi and haldi rituals, Ali and Richa can be seen in the pictures smiling and dancing. Richa, the bride-to-be, looks stunning in a pink lehenga with embroidery by Rahul Mishra, while Ali Fazal, the groom-to-be, looks dashing in an ivory white angrakha by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla.
Sharing the pictures, Richa Chadha wrote, “Because love is all there is… – Rumi”. Soon after she shared the post, fans flooded the comment section with heart emoticons.
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Soon after they dropped the heartwarming pictures, their industry friends flooded the comment section. Sonakshi Sinha, commented, “Congratulations you two,” Shruti Haasan wrote, “Congratulations you two !!! Wishing you all the love light and happiness,” while others dropped heart and love-struck emoticons.
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Earlier, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal had shared dreamy pictures from their mehendi ceremony. Check out the post below:
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Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal will get married on October 4. The couple had been dating for over five years. “There are likely to be three pre-wedding functions – cocktail, sangeet, and mehendi. All three functions, as revealed by our source, are likely to be held in New Delhi,” the ANI report stated.