Renowned Tollywood director Arun Roy has passed away at the age of [age], leaving fans and the film fraternity in deep sorrow. He breathed his last today around 7 AM at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital. Roy had been battling esophageal cancer for the past year, which led to his recent hospitalization after developing a severe lung infection on December 21. His body is expected to be taken out of the hospital around 11 AM today.
Health Declines, Roy On Life Support
Roy’s condition deteriorated over the past few days. He was placed on life support with ventilation after his health worsened, and the lung infection intensified. Despite efforts to stabilize him, the director’s condition continued to decline, ultimately leading to his passing.
Actor Dev, who had worked with Roy on multiple projects, visited the director in the hospital on Sunday. Roy, weakened by his condition, was unable to speak much during the visit.
Roy’s Last Film: ‘Bagha Jatin
Despite his health challenges, Roy directed Bagha Jatin, starring actor Dev, in 2023. He continued to actively participate in its promotions despite his physical discomfort.
Arun Roy made his directorial debut with Egaro in 2011, marking his entry into the Bengali film industry. His 2012 film Hiralal earned critical acclaim and was instrumental in launching the career of actor Kinjal Nanda. Nanda, mourning the loss, paid tribute on Facebook, writing, “Hiralal… stay well.”
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Arun Roy’s untimely demise has created an irreplaceable void in Bengali cinema. Colleagues, fans, and the entire film industry are expressing their grief over the loss of a celebrated and visionary director.