New Delhi: Ravi Teja’s ‘Ramarao On Duty,’ has hit the theatres on July 29, 2022, and it received many negative reviews from the audience. The actor Venu also failed to impress his fans after coming back in films. The film was released in Telugu but now, the makers will release it in Hindi on August 5. The Hindi dubbed is distributed by B4U and Grandmaster.
Film trade analyst Komal Nahta tweeted regarding the same on social media, “Ravi Tejas’s ‘Ramarao On Duty’ to release in Hindi (dubbed) next week (5th August). B4U and Gransmaster to distribute the Hindi version across India. The film in Telugu released today. @B4UMotionPics @RaviTeja_offl.”
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This film marks the second Hindi release of Ravi Teja after Khiladi, which was released in February 2022. After the Telugu version failed to impress the audience on the big screen, the markers are expecting a good response in the Hindi version.
The action-thriller movie showcases the actor as a government servant, Deputy Collector B Ramarao and is said to have all the essential elements of a commercial pot-boiler. The movie is set in 1995, it is based on real incidents.
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The film is directed by Sarath Mandava and produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under his banner SLV Cinemas in association with RT Teamworks. The film also stars the leading ladies. Apart from Venu, Ramarao On Duty also features Nasser, Sr Naresh, Pavitra Lokesh, Sarpatta John Vijay, Chaitanya Krishna, Tanikella Bharani, Rahul Rama Krishna, Eerojullo Sree, Madhu Sudan Rao, and Surekha Vani in pivotal roles.
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