‘Animal’ starring Ranbir Kapoor and and Rashmika Mandanna has passed the Monday test quite comfortably and collected around Rs 28 crore at the box office. This is the first time that the film has collected below ₹60 crore figures every day since its release on Friday.
As reported by Sacnilk, the film has managed to earn ₹27.97 crore on its fourth day. Animal has now grossed ₹229.5 crore domestically. These include ₹63.8 crore on the opening day, ₹66.27 crore on Saturday, and ₹71.46 crore on Sunday.
Animal had crossed ₹356 crore gross at the worldwide box office on Sunday, the makers said on Monday. The Instagram handle of the film shared the weekend collection of Animal. “Box office tsunami! Weekend collection ₹356 crore worldwide gross,” the post read.
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The film entered the Rs. 200 crore club in just 3 days and also emerged to be Ranbir’s career biggest opener. ‘Animal’ also stars Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandana, Shakti Kapoor and Triptii Dimri in pivotal roles. The film showcases a story about a father-son relationship, played by Anil and Ranbir Kapoor.
The 3 hour-21-minute-long film released in theatres on December 1 along with Meghna Gulzar’s ‘Sam Bahadur’ starring Vicky Kaushal in the titular character. The film was released in 5 languages- Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam.
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