New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt recently become parents of a baby girl. The duo welcomed their first child on November 6. Meanwhile, as per latest report, their new-born daughter will own a complete floor at KrishnaRaj Bungalow.
Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor’s Pali Hill bungalow, which was under renovation has been made ready to welcome its owners. Ranbir Kapoor, Ali Bhatt, along with their baby girl and Neetu Kapoor will soon shif to the KrishnaRaj bungalow.
The 8-storey highrise has one floor dedicated to Rishi Kapoor entirely. While one storey is the matriarch Neetu Kapoor’s personal residence, another floor is for Ranbir, Alia and their baby. Now, one floor will be given to Alia and Ranbir’s daughter whenever she is ready for her own space. A fourth storey is for Ranbir’s sister Riddhima and her daughter whenever they are in town.
Other floors are dedicated to recreation (including a swimming pool) and an office floor where Alia, Ranbir and Neetu will listen to script narrations.
Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor welcome a baby girl
Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram handle and announced the arrival of their beautiful baby girl.
The two recently hosted a baby shower at their vastu home in the pali Hill area of Mumbai. Alia’s sister Shaheen Bhatt, Ranbir’s mother Neetu Kapoor, his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, cousin Karisma Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor’s wife, Neila Devi arrived of the event.
Earlier, it was in the news that the delivery date of the Brahmastra actress, which is related to her sister Shaheen Bhatt. There is information that her delivery can happen around sister Shaheen Bhatt’s birthday. Her birthday is on 28 November and Alia’s child will be born between 20 and 30 November.