Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has revealed his next project, Syndicate, just days after admitting to losing focus and betraying those who trusted him following the success of his iconic films Satya and Rangeela. In a heartfelt social media post, Varma called Syndicate his ‘biggest film ever’ and explained that the movie would delve into the story of ‘a terrifying organisation which threatens the very existence of India.’ He vowed that the film would help him redeem ‘all his cinema sins’ committed in recent years.
The Evolution Of Criminal Organisations
The film will focus on the theme, “Only man can be the most terrifying animal,” and will explore the changing landscape of criminal organisations in India. Varma explained, “Street gangs which flourished till the 70’s were finished when they got absorbed into hardline political parties… Later when the smugglers rose up due to heavy demand of electronic goods, gold etc, they too were destroyed by the economic reforms. Then the deadly corporate gangs like D Company, etc arrived, only to be victoriously crushed. Similarly, the early black September terrorists paled in comparison to the deadly Al-Qaeda, which in turn looked like nothing in front of the horrific ISIS group.”
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 22, 2025
In CONTINUATION to my CONFESSION note on SATYA film , I DECIDED to make the BIGGEST film ever
The film is called SYNDICATE
It’s about a terrifying organisation which threatens the very EXISTENCE of INDIA
He emphasized that in the past 10 to 15 years, no notable criminal organisation has emerged in India. “But right now, the intense polarisation in the country makes the timing ripe for a new kind of criminal organisation to rise,” he said. Unlike previous groups, this new organisation will unite various factions including policing agencies, politicians, ultra-rich businessmen, and the military, thus forming a “syndicate.”
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About Syndicate
Syndicate promises to be a gripping, terrifying film, not due to supernatural elements, but because it will expose the horrors humans are capable of. Varma added, “This sets the stage for a chain of unimaginable but highly terrifying and intricately calculated events orchestrated by a shadowy organisation called the syndicate whose only goal is to replace India with a new India.” The film will delve into the cyclical nature of crime and terror, illustrating that while we may have victories, crime and terror never die. They only evolve into more deadly forms.
Although Syndicate is a futuristic story, Varma assured that it isn’t set in a distant future. “It’s not set in a faraway future but what can happen even tomorrow or next week,” he said, pointing to the sudden emergence of Al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001, which nobody knew existed the day before.
Ram Gopal Varma Expressed Guilt
In a recent emotional note, Ram Gopal Varma reflected on how he became “drunk on success” after Satya’s re-release in theatres on January 17. He confessed that watching Satya again for the first time in 27 years brought him to tears, not just for the film, but for what had happened since. “I didn’t care if anyone would see [the tears]. The tears were not just for the film, but more for what happened since,” he shared.
Varma admitted that, much like giving birth to a child, making a film is a profound experience. However, he realized he had become so caught up in his journey that he failed to appreciate what he had created. “I ignored the countless inspirations Satya sparked by dismissing it as just another step in my journey toward an objectiveless destination,” he confessed.
The filmmaker also expressed guilt for betraying those who trusted him after the success of Satya. “Coming back to the hotel after the screening of Satya, and sitting in the dark, I didn’t understand why, with all my so-called intelligence, I did not set this film as a benchmark for whatever I should do in the future,” Varma said. He added that he realized he wasn’t just crying for the tragedy in Satya but also for the version of himself he had lost. “I cried in guilt for my betrayals of all those who trusted me due to Satya,” he confessed.
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 20, 2025
—— Ram Gopal Varma
By the time SATYA was rolling to an end , while watching it 2 days back for 1st time after 27 yrs, I started choking with tears rolling down my cheeks and I dint care if anyone would see
The tears were not…
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Satya, a groundbreaking gangster drama, starred JD Chakravarthy, Manoj Bajpayee, Urmila Matondkar, Shefali Shah, and Saurabh Shukla.