The ‘Queen of Controversies’ Rakhi Sawant, known for her outspoken persona and dramatic behavior, has once again hit headlines. The Indian model and dancer has recently expressed her admiration for Pakistani Actress Hania Amir. Rakhi has shared a video from Pakistan’s Lahore Airport on her Instagram handle, posing in front of a display of suitcases. Hold on, that’s not all! Rakhi has sparked excitement among netizens after announcing her plans to get married in Pakistan.
Who Is Rakhi’s Pakistani Boyfriend?
In a statement, Rakhi mentioned about her Pakistani boyfriend Dodi Khan and her plans to get married as per Islamic traditions. The actress said, “People from India and Pakistan cannot live without each other. I like Pakistani people and I have many fans there. Our togetherness will bring peace between the two countries.”
Rakhi’s Marriage Plans
Wondering how will she ensure peace between the two neighbouring countries – Through marriage! She noted, “My Pakistani partner, Dodi Khan, and I will have a wedding according to Islamic traditions. The reception will take place in India, and we will go on our honeymoon to Switzerland and the Netherlands. Afterward, we plan to settle down in Dubai.”
Seems like Rakhi has made up her mind again this time after being linked with few others before. Dodi Khan has also posted a video on his IG account asking Rakhi ‘If he should bring his Baraat to India or Dubai.’