Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav’s father Nairang Yadav passed away in the wee hours of Friday. According to reports, he was unwell for the last few days and was admitted to AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. The actor rushed to Delhi after hearing the news of his father’s demise as he had earlier in Thailand to shoot for his film.
Rajpal Yadav is yet to react to this tragic news. An old picture, posted on X in 2018, of the actor with his father has also surfaced online. The post reads, “My father has been the biggest driving force in my life. If it wasn’t for your belief in me, I would not be where I am today. Thank you for being my father, I love you.”
My father has been the biggest driving force in my life. If it wasn't for your belief in me, I would not be where I am today. Thank you for being my father, I love you ❤
— Rajpal Naurang Yadav (@rajpalofficial) June 17, 2018
Meanwhile, the actor was in the news after he received death threats via email from Pakistan. Other celebrities including Kapil Sharma, Remo D’Souza and Sugandha Mishra also received the threat. According to IANS, Rajpal’s wife, Radha, quickly filed a police complaint at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai.
An extract from the email reads, “We are monitoring your recent activities and we believe it is important that we bring to your attention a sensitive matter. This is not a publicity stunt or an attempt to harass you. We urge you to treat this message with utmost seriousness and confidentiality.”
Reacting to the threatening mail, the actor said in a statement, “I have informed both the cybercrime department and the police, and after that, I haven’t spoken to anyone. In fact, it’s not my job to talk about this incident when I don’t know anything about it. I am an actor, and in acting, I try to entertain people of all ages, young and old, through my work. I don’t want to say anything more than this. Whatever needs to be said about this matter, the agencies are capable of providing the information. I have shared the details I was aware of.”
On the work front, Rajpal Yadav was last seen in ‘Baby John’.