The popular social media platform Instagram is buzzing with excitement after filmmaker SS Rajamouli shared a fun video on Friday morning. In a lighthearted manner, he joked about having “caged the lion,” a playful reference to actor Mahesh Babu, and even mentioned that he had taken the actor’s passport. This comment suggests that Mahesh Babu will be featured in Rajamouli’s upcoming film, tentatively titled ‘SSMB29’. Priyanka Chopra, who is rumoured to star alongside him, reacted to this news with a comment “Finally.”
He shared the post with the caption “Captured….”
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Famous director SS Rajamouli seems to have revealed his next film, which will star superstar Mahesh Babu. The movie is currently being called SSMB29, bringing excitement after months of speculation.
Mahesh Babu And Priyanka Chopra Reaction
Priyanka Chopra recently suggested that she is entering an exciting new phase in her life, and it looks like she has confirmed her participation in a new project. Currently, in Hyderabad, she expressed her excitement by commenting “finally” along with some laughing emojis on a related post. In response, Mahesh Babu playfully quoted a famous line from his 2006 movie, Pokiri, saying, “Okkasaari commit ayithe naa maata nene vinanu,” which means “Once I make a commitment, I won’t even listen to myself.”
The movie is created by Vijayendra Prasad and directed by SS Rajamouli. It’s being described as an exciting action thriller set in the jungle. There are still many details about the cast and storyline that haven’t been revealed yet.
On The Workfront
Mahesh Babu has lent his voice to the character ‘Mufasa’ in the Telugu version of Disney’s film, ‘Mufasa: The Lion King.’ In the Hindi version, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his sons, Aaryan Khan and AbRam, performed the voice work.
Priyanka Chopra is enjoying a great moment as her film “Anuja” has been nominated for the Oscars in 2025. She worked on this project as an executive producer alongside Mindy Kaling and Guneet Monga.