New Delhi: The teaser of upcoming Netflix film Qala was unveiled at streaming service’s Tudum fanfest. Going by the first looks of it, the film appears to be an epic musical saga with Babil Khan, Tripti Dimri and Swastika Mukherjee in leading roles. Set in 1940s, the teasers introduces us to a subdued Tripti being startled by Babli’s captivating voice.
The Netflix project marks Irrfan Khan’s son’s Babil’s acting debut, and he is shown as having a regal appearance. When he joins, he displays his musical prowess to the crowd while wearing a traditional sherwani and turban. Triptii’s persona appears to be struggling with loneliness while attempting to live out her ambition to become a musician. Check out the teaser below:
Earlier, talking about the film, Babil, who plays the role of Jagan, said he wanted to work on “Qala” even before reading its script but was in a “vulnerable” state as the audition was scheduled around the time his father had passed away.
“One of my close friends had been an assistant to Anvita and even before I read the script, I wanted to do the film. I never had second thoughts about it and jumped to reach the auditions. It was the time Baba had passed away and I was broken and vulnerable. When I reached (production house) Clean Slate Filmz, they made me feel so safe. I was coming with some baggage and was so scared. She (Dutt) was making an epic and even through all of that, she took so much care of me. I cannot thank her enough. The way she hugged me, it was precious,” the aspiring actor said.
Directed by Anvitaa Dutt, the project is backed by Clean Slate Filmz, which was previously co-owned by Anushka Sharma. The release day of the film will soon be out.