The much-anticipated screening of Pushpa 2, starring Allu Arjun, took a tragic turn in Sandhya Theatre at RTC Crossroads in Hyderabad last night. When a female fan lost her life and a child was rushed to the hospital. The incident has cast a shadow over the excitement surrounding the blockbuster’s release, leaving fans and the film industry mourning the loss.
What Happened At The Screening?
According to reports, the tragedy is said to be due to overcrowding and improper management in the theater. Thousands of people attended the show because people wanted to see the incredible acting of Allu Arjun. In the ensuing chaos, a middle-aged woman collapsed, reportedly due to suffocation caused by the packed environment. A young child accompanying her also faced severe health issues and was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Also Read: Pushpa 2: Ticket Price For Allu Arjun’s Movie Goes Up To Whopping Rs 1800; Know How To Book
Overcrowding & Lack Of Safety Measures?
Few eyewitnesses also revealed that the theater was overcrowded, with more people inside than the venue’s official capacity.There were many jostling for seats, and the poor ventilation aggravated the situation. Now the questions being raised are whether there are proper safety measures and crowd management mechanisms in place for such high-profile events.
While Pushpa 2 continues to break records at the box office, this incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety during large-scale events. Fans and families attending screenings deserve a secure environment to enjoy their favorite stars on the big screen.