Pushpa 2 Stampede Case: Allu Arjun on Friday has been granted regular bail in connection to a woman’s death in Pushpa 2 stampede case. The bail was granted by the Nampally court in Hyderabad. For the unversed, a woman died on December 4 at the Sandhya Theatre due to the stampede that was caused during Allu Arjun’s visit to the venue. Moreover, the woman’s son was also critically injured in this incident.
On December 13, Allu Arjun was arrested from his house in this case but was granted interim bail for four weeks on a personal bond of Rs 50,000. Later, the actor appeared in court via video conference, and the hearing, which was scheduled for December 30, was pushed to January 3, 2025.
The actor’s house was vandalised by some protesters. His father Allu Aravind reacted to this incident and said, “Everyone has seen what happened at our house today. But it is time for us to act accordingly. Now is not the right time for us to react to anything.” He added, “The police are ready to take away anyone else who comes here to create a ruckus. No one should encourage incidents like these. But I will not react just because the media is here. Now is the time to practice restraint. The law will take its own course.”
He announced the donation of Rs 25 lakh to the victim’s family, whereas, the producers of ‘Pushpa 2’ donated Rs 50 lakh.
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After the stampede death incident, Allu Arjun landed in another legal trouble but this time it was due to a scene from ‘Pushpa 2’. According to reports, Congress leader Theenmar Mallanna has filed a complaint against Allu Arjun for allegedly insulting police in a scene from ‘Pushpa 2’. In a scene, Allu Arjun’s character urinates in a swimming pool while a police officer is in it. The Congress leader called the scene ‘disrespectful’ and ‘offensive’.
Talking about ‘Pushpa 2’, the movie also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil in the lead roles. It has already crossed Rs 1000 crore in theatre and has become a blockbuster. The movie is likely to return with its third instalment.