Allu Arjun is gearing up for the release of his upcoming pan-India movie ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ and is busy with the promotions. The actor got into legal trouble after a complaint was filed against him for calling his ‘army’. According to a report by Aadhan Telugu, Srinivas Goud filed a complaint against Allu Arjun at the Jawahar Nagar Police Station in Hyderabad for using the word ‘army’ to address his fan base. He claimed that army is an honourary term and should not be used to address his fans.
The man told Aadhan Telugu, “We have filed a complaint against Tollywood star Allu Arjun requesting him not to use the word army for his fan base. Army is an honourable post; they’re the ones who protect our country, so you can’t call your fans that. There are many other terms he could use instead.”
Meanwhile, at the Mumbai event of ‘Pushpa 2’, Allu Arjun told his fans, “I don’t have fans; I have an army. I love my fans; they’re like my family. They stand by me; they celebrate me. They stand for me like an army. I love you all; I will make you proud. If this film becomes a big hit, I will dedicate it to all my fans.”
అల్లు అర్జున్పై పోలీసులకు ఫిర్యాదుఐకాన్ స్టార్ అల్లు అర్జున్పై ఓ వ్యక్తి జవహర్నగర్ పోలీస్ స్టేషన్లో ఫిర్యాదు చేశాడు.
అల్లు అర్జున్ తన అభిమాన సంఘానికి అర్జున్ ఆర్మీ అని పేరు పెట్టుకున్నాడని తెలిపారు.
ఆర్మీ అనే పదం దేశానికి సేవ చేసే గౌరవప్రదమైన పేరని, దీనిని అభిమాన…— Aadhan Telugu (@AadhanTelugu) November 30, 2024
About Pushpa 2:
Allu Arjun will reprise the role of Pushpa Raj, in the second part as well. Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil will also return as Srivalli and SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat, respectively. Dhananjaya, Rao Ramesh, and Sunil will return as well, whereas, Jagapathi Babu is the new addition. Sreeleela will join Allu Arjun in ‘Pushpa 2’ for a new dance number titled ‘Kissik’.
‘Pushpa 2’, with a runtime of 3 hours and 20 minutes, can be one of the longest movies of 2024. The 2023 blockbuster movie ‘Animal’, starring Ranbir Kapoor, had a runtime of 3 hours and 21 minutes.