New Delhi: For privacy reasons, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have been covering their daughter Malti Marie’s face in their Instagram pictures. The couple opted to reveal Malti Marie’s face for the first time on January 30. Priyanka and her one-year-old daughter Malti cheered on Nick and his brothers as they received Hollywood Walk of Fame stars. The munchkin’s photos and videos are all over social media.
Priyanka just took her first photoshoot with her daughter Malti for a newspaper. She discussed her decision to use surrogacy and how tiny Malti was a warrior.
Priyanka and Nick Jonas Finally reveal MALTI MARIE’S FACE
Priyanka took to Instagram to share a picture of Nick and his brothers receiving the award and wrote, “So proud of you my love! Congratulations (sic).” She also shared a video in which she can be seen holding Malti in her arms and Nick delivering his speech.
In January 2022, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas had a beautiful girl via surrogacy. Because she was born before her due date, the baby spent more than 100 days in the NICU.
Recently, she told Vogue why she chose surrogacy. “I had medical complications. This was a necessary step. And, I’m so grateful that I was in a position where I could do this,” she revealed.
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra will be seen in It’s All Coming Back to ME and Citadel.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra reunites with Nick Jonas, baby Malti after India trip
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