Pathaan Box Office Collection Day 5: Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, is playing in theatres with great success. In its first week, the movie was able to bring in nearly Rs 500 crore worldwide. The movie reportedly made around Rs 70 crore on Sunday, January 29. This is simply amazing for Bollywood, which is now having a hard time. According to industry reports, Pathaan is one of Shah Rukh’s biggest box office successes. Director Siddharth Anand is behind the camera.
Pathaan Box Office Collection Day 5
Ramesh Bala, a trade analyst, estimates that Pathaan’s first-week revenue will be in the range of Rs 550 crore. On its fifth day in theatres in India, the movie is projected to have made Rs 70 crore. For SRK, who is making his comeback after a four-year absence, this is undoubtedly a wonderful debut.
Ramesh Bala, a trade analyst, estimates that Pathaan’s first-week revenue will be in the range of Rs 550 crore. On its fifth day in theatres in India, the movie is projected to have made Rs 70 crore. For SRK, who is making his comeback after a four-year absence, this is undoubtedly a wonderful debut.
#Pathaan 5 days WW Gross expected to be in the range of ₹ 550 Crs..
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) January 30, 2023
Also Read: Pathaan Box Office Collection Day 4: SRK’s film to enter 400 crore club globally
About the film
The film brings together Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham for the first time. Siddharth Anand directs the film, which is produced by Yash Raj Films. It’s the fourth entry in the YRF Spy Universe.
The film is set to be released on January 25, 2023, during the Republic Day weekend, with dubbed versions in Tamil and Telugu. In the film, Shah Rukh Khan will play Pathaan, a RAW field agent. Vishal-Shekhar composed the music for the movie, and Sanchit and Ankit Balhara composed the score.