Pathaan box office collection Day 22: Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback to the big screen after four years has been widely appreciated. The picture had a successful debut on January 25, and it is still making money after almost a month. Pathaan is furious at the ticket counters, and understandably so. The Siddharth Anand-directed picture is breaking records in India, having surpassed the Rs 500-crore threshold. Pathaan’s fantasy run continues to this day.
Pathaan box office collection
Pathaan, which was released on January 25, is doing extremely well at the box office. The film, which also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, had a strong opening weekend at the box office and shows no signs of slowing down. According to early trade estimates, the film has made between Rs 3.5 and Rs 4.5 crore in India. Pathaan’s previous total box office collection in India was Rs 493 crore. As a result, on Day 22, the film surpassed the Rs 500-crore threshold. Not only is SRK’s film going well in India, but it is also doing well outside. It is approaching the Rs 1000-crore milestone. Pathaan’s worldwide gross receipts have now surpassed Rs 960 crore. It is estimated to gross Rs 1000 crore mark soon.
About Pathaan
The film brings together Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham for the first time. Siddharth Anand directs the film, which is produced by Yash Raj Films. It’s the fourth entry in the YRF Spy Universe.
The film is set to be released on January 25, 2023, during the Republic Day weekend, with dubbed versions in Tamil and Telugu. In the film, Shah Rukh Khan plays the lead, a RAW field agent. Vishal-Shekhar composed the music for the movie, and Sanchit and Ankit Balhara composed the score.
Also Read: Pathaan box office day 21: SRK’s film nearing Rs 500-crore mark in India
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