Baby John actress Keerthy Suresh was recently spotted in Mumbai as she joined in the post-Christmas festivities. The Baby John actor was seen exuding effortless charm in a chic denim dress. However, the scene took an awkward turn when the paparazzi stopped her for a quick picture and mistakenly called her “Kriti”.
Unfazed, the poised actress immediately corrected them, asserting, “Kriti Nahi, Keerthy,” highlighting the difference between her name having a similar sound but holding a unique meaning in Hindi and Sanskrit. The photographers continued snapping her pictures but at that very moment, something unexpected happened!
During this interaction, some photographers attempted to stereotype her South Indian roots by calling her “dosa”. Despite the visible irritation on her face, she responded to them with grace and wit by saying, “Keerthy dosa nahi, Keerthy Suresh. Aur dosa mujhe pasand hai.”
Keerthy’s graceful yet assertive handling of the situation resonated with fans, earning her widespread praise for standing her ground while maintaining her dignity.
Who is Keerthy Suresh
Keerthy is a popular actor, who has been winning hearts with her performance in ‘Baby John’, also starring Varun Dhawan. She has been part of the cast of numerous blockbusters such as Kalki 2898 AD, Bairava, and many more. She has also contributed immensely to the South Indian cinema and has given tremendous performances in several films.