New Delhi: Actor Nora Fatehi recently made everyone drop their jaws with a shocking revelation. Asked who the most famous person to have slid into her DMs is, Nora paused for effect, and said, “Brad Pitt.”
The Hollywood star was most recently linked with model-actor Emily Ratajkowski. The rumours come amid the actor is involved in a highly-publicised legal dispute with ex-wife Angelina Jolie. In her countersuit, Jolie had complained of abusive behaviour towards her and some of their kids by the actor.
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In a video for Grazia India, Nora said, “The most famous person who slid into my DMs, wait for it, you’re not ready… Brad Pitt.” Pitt isn’t on Twitter or Instagram, so it’s unclear whether he utilises a Finsta account to communicate with people online. Ben Affleck was previously revealed to have DM’d a lady on Instagram using a Finsta account; he actually gave the woman a video of himself, verifying his identity.
For the unversed, ‘Sliding into DMs’ refers to sending someone a direct message on social media or a messaging app, generally with the goal of flirting.
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Nora rose to prominence on Bigg Boss a few years ago. She has now established herself as one of the most prominent dancers in Bollywood, with multiple hit singles to her credit. She was most recently seen in the Thank God song “Manike.” She is also a reality television staple, serving as a judge on Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 10. Nora will appear in the film entirely after Thank God.