In Bigg Boss 18, a total of seven contestants were nominated this week, including Karan Veer Singh, Rajat Dalal, Digvijay Rathee, Chum Darang, Shrutika Arjun, Tajinder Singh Bagga, and Kashish Kapoor. After Time God Rajat Dalal saved his friend Digvijay Rathee from the danger zone using his powers, people speculated that Tajinder Bagga would be the one leaving the house this time. However, recent reports by Times Now and several fan pages state that host Salman Khan will announce no eviction.
The report cites the reason that the makers want to retain all the contestants and give them another chance to spice things up in the coming week. Nevertheless, fans disagree, accusing the makers of being biased.
Fans Call Makers ‘Biased’
Several fans took to their social media accounts to share their observations about the makers showing extra interest in Tajinder, who had the most chances of being eliminated this week.
People left comments on the same line. “Bb is biased towards vivian eisha❎…..Bb is biased towards bagga ji✅😂,” wrote one, explaining how perception about Vivian and Eisha Singh being Bigg Boss’ favourite is wrong, when the real ‘ladla’ is Tajinder. Another person pointed out the alleged favouratism and wrote, “You kick out Nyra/Shehzada but do anything possible to save Bagga. He has no fans but he gets to stay probably because of politics. Gunratan was better than him. Also Shilpa has no followers and not many fans but watch she will go to Top 5 because of Bollywood quota just like Pooja Bhatt (you can bet no one voted for her😂).”
Several hilarious comments also caught people’s attention. One person wrote, “Bagga ji koi srk h kyaa jo itna priority de rhe iseeee I wish ki aur TRP gire abbb 🙌” Another questioned, “Bagga ko q bacha rhe hai chai banane ke liye?”. “Bagha ke liye biased bhi ho rhe hai pichhle 1,2 episode se😂 power of BJP maybe,” shared another.
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Voting Trends
Voting lines to vote and save the best contestants were closed on Friday and the final (but unofficial) reports showed Tajinder Bagga at the bottom, with only 1 per cent of the total votes.
Karan Veer Mehra topped the chart with 46% votes where as Digvijay Rathee followed him by securing second spot with 26% votes. Shrutika Arjun and Shilpa Shirodhkar were on the next spots, with 14% votes and 10 % votes, respectively. Rajat Dalal received only 9% votes despite his frequent fights, which definitely spiced up the game for fans. Kashish Kapoor and Chum Darang were at the bottom of the barrel, just above Tajinder.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Karan Veer Mehra Calls Out Shilpa, Says ‘Fir Ek Bete Ko Bachane Ke Liye Dusre Ki Bali Chadha Di…’