New Delhi: Actor Naga Chaitanya recently revealed that he wont mind coming to Karan Johar’s popular chat show Koffee With Karan 7. This came after his ex-wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu made her debut appreance on the chat show.
Speaking to, Naga Chaitanya said, “On Koffee With Karan, why not if I get a chance? Karan Johar is great, I love the work he does. If he wants to have me, why not?”
Chay also said that he does not let his personal life affect his personal commitments. He said, “I’ve sort of built myself in a way where my personal life doesn’t affect my professional life. When your personal life is at the forefront in the media, that and not your professional life becomes the headline, it gets a little irritating and frustrating. You don’t like it when your personal and professional lives are connected. I don’t connect it and I’ve created a very clear barrier between the both.”
To mention, Kjo asked Samantha if there is any hard feelings between her and Naga Chaitanya, to which she said, “Like if you put us both in a room, you have to hide sharp objects? Yeah. As of now, yes.”
She added that the situation was not amicable right now “but it maybe sometime in the future”.
The couple had announced their separation last year, after four years of marriage.
On the work front, Naga Chaitanya is busy promoting his upcoming movie Laal Singh Chaddha. The movie stars Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapor Khan.
Also Read: I accidentally met Aamir and planned the remake of Forrest Gump: Chiranjeevi on Laal Singh Chaddha
A few days back, In a press conference conducted in Hyderabad, Aamir Khan, Chiranjeevi and Naga Chaitanya interacted with the media about the upcoming release. The film will be released on 11 August.