The anime series My Happy Marriage is gearing up for another thrilling episode in its second season. Episode 4, titled What The Autumn Wind Brought, will delve deeper into Miyo’s mysterious past and her connection to the Usuba family. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming episode.
Previous Episode Recap
In the last episode, The Gifted Communion and Demons, several key events shaped the storyline. Arata Usuba scolded Miyo for using her Dream-Sight unsupervised, then introduced himself to Fuyu as Miyo’s cousin. Tensions rose when Kiyoka confronted the Gifted Communion at the abandoned mansion, discovering their founder, Naoshi Usui, sought to grant supernatural powers to everyone. In the heat of battle, Kiyoka defeated a Demon, which turned out to be a human-altered entity. Meanwhile, Miyo used her powers to save a villager, and Arata revealed that Naoshi had ties to the Usuba family. The episode ended with Naoshi addressing Miyo as his daughter, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what’s next.
What To Expect In Episode 4
In Episode 4, we can expect more revelations about Naoshi’s claim of Miyo being his daughter. This will likely unravel her connection to both him and the Usuba family, giving fans a deeper understanding of her mysterious origins. Meanwhile, the fate of Yoshito Godo and the Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit, who are trapped by the Gifted Communion, will also come into focus.
Kiyoka is expected to assign Miyo protection at a military outpost to shield her from Amamizu’s growing interest in her Dream-Sight. Fans can look forward to the introduction of a new protector, Kaoruko Jinnochi, whose presence will undoubtedly spark mixed reactions among the unit.
When & Where To Tune In
My Happy Marriage Season 2 Episode 4 will air on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 10:30 pm JST on Tokyo MX and other Japanese networks, including BS11, KBS Tokyo, TV Aichi, and Sun TV.
For international viewers, the episode will be available on Netflix with various subtitles and dubs, making it accessible to a global audience. It will also be available on popular Japanese streaming platforms such as ABEMA, Lemino, and Hulu.
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