In the past few days, actors Mukesh Khanna and Sonakshi Sinha have been embroiled in a controversy that has garnered significant attention. Mukesh criticized Sonakshi for failing to recall an answer to a question about the epic Ramayan during an old episode of KBC. In response, Sonakshi defended herself on Instagram. Last night, Mukesh shared his thoughts on Sonakshi’s reply and responded through his own Instagram stories.
His story says: “Dear Sonakshi, I am surprised you took so much time to react. I knew I was antagonising you by taking your name from that incident in the famous Kaun Banega Karodpati show. But, let me tell you I had no malicious intention to malign you or your father who is my senior and I have a very cordial relationship with him. My only intention was to react on today’s generation, which is called ‘Genz’ by elders, which has become slaves to today’s Google world and mobile phones. Their knowledge is limited to Wikipedia and social interactions on Youtube. And here I had a Hi-Fi case in front of me of yours which I could use to teach others. Fathers, sons, daughters. To tell them that we have a huge and vast knowledge preserved in our culture, Sanskriti and History which every youth of today should know. And just not know, but feel proud about it. That’s all. And yes, I regret that I talked about it in more than one interviews of mine. Point noted. It will not be repeated. Be assured. Take care.”
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About the controversy
Mukesh Khanna has repeatedly commented on Sonakshi’s mistake during an episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati, where she struggled to remember which character Lord Hanuman brought the healing herb, ‘sanjeevani booti,’ for and had to use a lifeline. Mukesh Khanna has often criticized her for this mistake. However, Sonakshi recently challenged Mukesh’s ongoing criticisms of her. In 2020, her father, Shatrughan Sinha, expressed his frustration with Mukesh for continually criticising her over this issue.
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