Former Adult Actress recently featured on the cover of the latest edition of Vogue India. Mia Khalifa’s transition into a verified fashion figure has been a challenging journey, facing intense scrutiny and contentious discussions in the media and on her Instagram. However, the success of her new venture is evident in the numerous show invitations and brand collaborations that she has received. Khalifa found herself at the forefront of Paris Fashion Week in 2023, adorned in iconic pieces from designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier and Schiaparelli. This shift in focus marks a notable chapter in Khalifa’s career, with her gaining recognition in the fashion industry.
During her interview with the Vogue India Mia Khalifa acknowledged her substantial following, humorously attributing her popularity to “mostly the girls and gays” on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. A day before her inaugural Vogue photoshoot, during which she curated her look from her personal wardrobe, Khalifa engages in a conversation about this new phase of her life through a Zoom call.
On the screen, she appears in pink pajamas that complement her bleached eyebrows, radiating the energy of someone who has already consumed three cortados before noon. Within the comfort of her home, she is simply Sarah Joe—a cat mom who cherishes her mornings, surrounded by relatable and homely items, including a mushroom-shaped lamp and coffee-table books, some of which delve into the art of tarot.