New Delhi: Actor Mallika Sherawat's Bollywood career was short, lived but it made enough noise to sustain for generations to come. She was unapologetically herself and never shied away from doing bold scenes. In a sense, she was way ahead of her time as the bold scenes she performed back then have now become regular in Bollywood. Echoing the same, Mallika, in her recent media interaction, said she started the trend of unabashed intimacy on-screen and now several actresses are following her footsteps in Bollywood. She also spoke about facing casting couch and her unwavering confidence in refusing to ‘compromise.’
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Mallika spoke about the 'radical criticism' she faced in India from Indian women. Talking about it she said, " I think my glamour was overwhelming for them. I am unapologetic about it. I wore a bikini in murder and actresses have worn a bikini before me also but I was so nonchalant about it. I was like I have a great body. Do you want me to wear a saree at the beach? No, I will wear a bikini and I celebrated my body because for me that was very liberating. But that was too much to handle for people, especially women. Men have had no problems with me. Men love me in India and I love them back. It’s just some women who are so vicious to me."
Also Read :-‘Men love me in India, women are vicious to me’: Mallika Sherawat says she was too much to handle
Since her return to the industry, Mallika Sherawat has been making some audacious claims. Is the actress making an effort to make amends? admirers ponder. She recently made a subtle jab at Deepika Padukone in a discussion by suggesting that what she accomplished in Gehraiyaan, she had already done in Murder. The actress even remarked that while there were still some people with limited perspectives 15 years ago, things have improved for women, particularly in the workplace.
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