Akshay Kumar’s niece, Simar Bhatia, is making waves with her upcoming debut film, Ikkis, directed by the talented Sriram Raghavan. This exciting movie is catching the eye of film enthusiasts with its captivating storyline. Besides her, it also introduces Agastya Nanda as another fresh face in Bollywood. Just before Simar steps into her big moment, her uncle Akshay Kumar has shared a heartfelt message to cheer her up.
Akshay shared a heartfelt photo of his niece from a newspaper on Instagram and wrote: “I remember the first time I saw my photo on the cover of the newspaper. I thought that’s the ultimate happiness. But today I know the happiness of seeing your child’s photo here beats everything. I wish my mom was here today, and she would have said, ‘Simar puttar tu tah Kamaal hai’. Bless you my baby, the sky is yours.”
Who is Simar Bhatia?
Simar Bhatia is the daughter of Alka Bhatia, the sister of Indian actor Akshay Kumar. According to reports, In 1977, Alka Bhatia married Vaibhav Kapoor, and the couple welcomed their first child, Simar Bhatia. However, later, they parted ways.
Alka has collaborated with Akshay on various films but prefers keeping a low profile and maintaining her privacy. A Mid-Day report states, “Although Alka is a camera-shy person and has always stayed away from the limelight despite producing several movies with Akshay, her daughter Simar has always been interested in acting and is excited to get on a film set to live her dream.”
Simar Bhatia has decisively carved her path to secure her debut role, showcasing her impressive talents. While the details of her character are still under wraps, she is set to shine as the romantic lead opposite Agastya Nanda.
At the moment, there isn’t much information available about Simar Bhatia. She maintains an Instagram account that has 6,145 followers.