On the night of January 6th, a devastating fire broke out at Skypan Apartments in Shastri Nagar, Andheri, around 9:15 PM. The fire quickly spread across several floors of the building, sending residents into a state of panic. The residents were caught off-guard as smoke and flames began to engulf portions of the building. Emergency teams responded swiftly to the situation, working tirelessly to contain the blaze and evacuate the building.
Neighbor’s Tragic Loss
As per a report by Vickey Lalwani on his Instagram account, among the most tragic consequences of the fire was the loss of life of Udit Narayan’s neighbor, Rahul Mishra. Mishra, who resided on the 11th floor of the building in a different wing, was rushed to Kokilaben Hospital after being injured in the fire. Despite immediate medical attention, he tragically succumbed to his injuries. The news of his passing has sent shockwaves through the community, with many offering their condolences to his family and friends.
Udit Narayan Safe But Shaken
Udit Narayan, the renowned playback singer who resides in the building, was reportedly safe during the fire. Though shaken by the tragic incident. While the exact cause of the fire remains under investigation, authorities suspect that it may have been caused by an electrical malfunction, although no official statement has been released.