The Manthan 2025 event by News24 brought together some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, including the star cast of Amazon Prime’s hit web series Paatal Lok Season 2. Held at the auditorium in Noida, the event featured actors Jaideep Ahlawat and Tillotama Shome in a lively discussion with anchor Pooja Sharma Rathore. The duo shared insights about their critically acclaimed series while also exploring the evolving landscape of OTT platforms. The interactive session allowed the audience to engage directly with the stars, making it a memorable highlight of the event.
Jaideep Confirms His Role in The Family Man 3
The highly acclaimed actor Jaideep Ahlawat, known for his powerful performances in Paatal Lok and Gangs of Wasseypur, is all set to join the cast of the much-anticipated The Family Man 3. Ahlawat confirmed the news, saying, “Ye Rumour nahi, yeh sach hai!” (It’s not a rumour, it’s true!). Fans of the franchise can expect the upcoming season to become even more thrilling with his inclusion
Jaideep Ahlawat On Balancing Anger & Emotions
In Paatal Lok, you must have witnessed Hathiram Chaudhary’s fiery temper. He flares up in anger but quickly calms down as well. While he speaks angrily to his wife, there’s a lot of love hidden in his heart. But is he really like this in real life too? On this, Jaideep said, “Yes, I am somewhat like that. If something bothers me, I might snap angrily, but I don’t mean it that way. I can’t stay angry for too long. It’s not healthy for a sound mind.
Tillotama Shome On Her Role
When asked about her decision to play this character, Tillotama Shome revealed that she is drawn to roles that break away from traditional norms. She explained, “I like to portray characters that are far from perfect, layered, and flawed. These complexities make them real and relatable. Most importantly, I am interested in roles that challenge patriarchal ideals rather than contributing to them.”
Jaideep Reveals The Most Challenging Scene
Jaideep Ahlawat and Tillotama Shome shared their personal experiences and the challenges faced while creating the show. When asked about the most challenging scene, Jaideep shared that the most difficult moment for him was witnessing ACP Ansari’s body after his murder. He said, “It was very difficult for me because, after the scene, I actually started crying. As an actor, my goal was to make the audience emotional, not to end up shedding tears myself.”
Jaideep Shares Challenging Times
When asked about what were the most challenging times in his life, Jaideep explained that throughout the series, Hathiram Chowdhary loses many close people in the process of discovering the truth. He said, “When I found out that the scene was about ACP Ansari’s body and I had to perform that scene, it kept running through my mind. At that moment, the cameraman had to get his perfect shot, but he wasn’t concerned with my emotions or how I was feeling inside. But my character had to control those emotions and not let them out, so that was quite challenging for me.”