Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis attended a special screening of Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency in Mumbai on Thursday night, just a day before the film’s official release. Kangana herself was present at the screening. Following the viewing, Fadnavis offered high praise for the movie, calling it a “good representation of the atrocities” during the Emergency period of 1975.
Fadnavis Highlights The Significance Of The Film
In his comments, Fadnavis emphasized the importance of the movie as a historical documentation of a tumultuous period in India’s history. He stated, “This is an important documentation of a time in Indian history where people’s democratic rights were quashed, the constitution wasn’t adhered to, and lakhs of leaders were shut in jails. Emergency is a good representation of the atrocities committed on the people during those times.”
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Fadnavis Praises Kangana Ranaut’s Performance
The Maharashtra CM also praised Kangana’s portrayal of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, recognizing her strong performance. “I want to congratulate her for acing the role. The film is not just about the emergency, but also what happened before… the 1971 war, and in many ways, it is like seeing the late Prime Minister’s life journey. It is a history of India that reminds us of the importance of keeping democracy alive,” he added.
Kangana Ranaut Shares Gratitude
After the screening, Kangana spoke to the media and expressed her gratitude for the praise. “This journey has been quite the challenge for me and my team. Today, the CM has watched our film, and he shared words of praise and encouragement. This is a great honor for us,” she said.
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Emergency not only marks Kangana’s acting debut as the lead but also her directorial debut. The film delves into the 21-month Emergency period in India, imposed by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, often considered the darkest chapter in independent India. The film features an ensemble cast, including Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan, Shreyas Talpade as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mahima Chaudhry as Pupul Jayakar, Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, and Vishak Nair as Sanjay Gandhi.