New Delhi: Following his breakup with Camila Morrone, Leonardo DiCaprio may not remain single for very long because, according to multiple sources who spoke to In Touch, the actor has been secretly seeing supermodel Gigi Hadid. This summer, “Leo and Gigi have hooked up a few times,” a source exclusively tells In Touch.
According to InTouch Weekly, a source informed, “Leo and Gigi have hooked up a few times this summer.” The insider further added that Hadid and DiCaprio have known each other for several years. The insider added, “They’re super attracted to each other. She is exactly his type: gorgeous, sexy but low-key with a one-of-the-guys attitude.”
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“They have known each other for several years. They’re super attracted to each other,” the source continues about the pair, adding, “She is exactly his type: gorgeous, sexy but low-key with a one-of-the-guys attitude.”