Sources revealed that the gang led by jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi planned to kill Bollywood actor Salman Khan near his residence in Panvel, Maharashtra. The Panvel police arrested four shooters affiliated with the Bishnoi gang in connection with this plot, intending to stop Khan’s car and shoot him with an AK-47 rifle.
The shooters were identified as Dhananjay Tapsingh, also known as Ajay Kashyap; Gaurav Bhatia, known as Nahvi; Waspi Khan, also known as Wasim Chikna; and Rizwan Khan, also known as Javed Khan.
The source reported that the four men were observing the actor’s rural home as well as his shooting locations.
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The police discovered videos on the mobile phones of the arrested individuals, instructing them to assault Salman Khan with weapons other than AK-47 rifles.
Sources disclosed that during interrogation, Ajay Kashyap revealed his communication with an arms dealer named Doga in Pakistan to obtain M16, AK-47, and AK-92 rifles for the alleged crime.
The FIR registered at the Panvel police station states that one of the recovered videos shows Kashyap conversing with his partner, mentioning, ‘Salman Khan will be dealt with once the weapons are obtained and the money is received for the task, acquired through Canada (gangster) Goldie Brari.’
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