New Delhi: This Raksha Bandhan, the Koffee couch is all set to witness the cousin duo Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Arjun Kapoor. Spilling the beans on life, love, family and work, Koffee With Karan Season 7, welcomes the charismatic cousins as they storm the couch with their heartfelt stories from childhood to adulthood.
Marking her fourth stint on the couch, an unreserved mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor Ahuja does what she has always done best – stir the pots of steaming conversations while looking drop-dead gorgeous. Arjun Kapoor brings his natural suave to this season.
When Sonam Kapoor Ahuja reveals about her brother’s ‘dating life’ with an explosive statement and several others in tow, it is no wonder Arjun Kapoor is seen woefully saying, “Why does it feel like I have been called on the show to be trolled by Sonam!”
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The new ‘trolling’ segment revealed quite a few things but the highlight was when Sonam Kapoor Ahuja asked Arjun Kapoor what is the most annoying thing about her, he said “You don’t wait for anybody else to give you a compliment, you just give yourself a compliment. Am I not looking good? Am I not looking gorgeous in this dress? I am looking beautiful”. Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s savage response to this will definitely make you ROFL, she said “It comes from being Anil Kapoor’s daughter.”
Bringing an all-new side to celebrity kinship, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Arjun Kapoor wholesomely brings before viewers a funny, candid Tom and Jerry dynamic for viewers to enjoy and fall in love with.
Hotstar Specials Koffee with Karan Season 7 streams exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar, with new games, including the all-time favourite rapid fire – bringing fans closer to their favourite stars.