Bollywood actress Kiara Advani, who is set to star alongside Ram Charan in the much-anticipated film Game Changer, was recently reported to have been rushed to a Mumbai hospital, sparking concern among fans. Kiara, who was scheduled to attend a promotional event for the film, was notably absent, fueling further speculation about her health. However, the actress’ spokesperson has now clarified that she was not hospitalised but was instead advised to rest due to exhaustion from her hectic work schedule.
Pregnancy Rumours Sparked By Recent Instagram Post
The speculation surrounding Kiara’s health comes shortly after she posted a picture on Instagram on December 25, 2024, wearing a polka dot dress alongside actor Sidharth Malhotra. In Bollywood, polka dots have often been linked to pregnancy announcements, prompting fans and media outlets to question if Kiara might be expecting. However, no official confirmation about her pregnancy has been made, and the actress continues to keep her private life under wraps.
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Game Changer Set For Grand Release
While Kiara has been resting, the excitement surrounding her film Game Changer remains undiminished. Directed by Shankar, the political drama is set for a grand release on January 10, 2025. The film has completed its censorship process and is expected to perform well at the box office. Fans are particularly excited for Kiara’s South debut alongside Ram Charan, with the recent trailer revealing Charan in a dual role as father and son.
Kiara’s absence from the promotional event has not dampened the buzz surrounding Game Changer. Fans are sending their well-wishes for her recovery, while Ram Charan continues to promote the film. With the film’s release just around the corner, fans eagerly await the political drama’s premiere.
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As Kiara recovers from exhaustion, fans are hoping for her quick return to health and eagerly anticipating her much-awaited performance in Game Changer.