New Delhi: Actor Vicky Kaushal lodged a complaint on Monday at Mumbai’s Santacruz police station against an unknown social media user, who allegedly stalked his wife, actor Katrina Kaif. And in the afternoon the police arrested the stalker.
The accused has been identified as Manvinder Singh, who is a crazy fan of Katrina and wanted to marry her.
While there was a buzz that Vicky and Katrina received death threats from Singh, a source close to Kaif said the opposite. The insider adds, “The stories flying around were exaggerated. It’s not as serious as the way it’s being reported. This is a stalker who shows up from time to time unannounced and has been harassing her for a long time. The authorities have been notified of the same and a complaint has been filed.”
As per reports Manjunath Singhe deputy commissioner of police (zone 9), confirmed the arrest and said, “We have taken him into custody and the investigation is going on.”
Katrina and Vicky were recently in the Maldives for her birthday and had been sharing a bunch of pictures from the holiday. It is not known what the threats said but a case has been registered at the Santacruz Police Station, tweeted ANI. It added, “Case registered at Santacruz PS on the complaint of Vicky Kaushal u/s 506(2),354(D) IPC r/w sec 67 IT Act. He complained that one person has been threatening and posting threat messages on Instagram. He stated that the accused has also been stalking his wife&threatening her:Mumbai Police.
Recently, Swara Bhasker also received a death threat in the form of a letter, prompting Mumbai Police to file a non-cognizable offense against an unknown person and launch an investigation into the matter.