Saif Ali Khan’s Attack Updates: The person believed to be responsible for the attack is currently on the run, but security camera footage has allowed the Mumbai Police to identify him. On Friday evening, investigators visited Saif’s home to take Kareena Kapoor’s statement about the incident. Saif underwent multiple surgeries and is now in the intensive care unit (ICU) at Lilavati Hospital.
As per the reports, Saif Ali Khan’s quick response ensured their children’s and others’ safety in the house. While talking to the police, Kareena said, “Saif was the first to intervene and prevented the attacker from reaching Jeh. The women and children were moved to the 12th floor for their safety. After the incident, Kareena’s sister, Karisma Kapoor, took Kareena and the children to her home for safety, while Saif was quickly taken to Lilavati Hospital for medical attention.”
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According to another report, Kareena shared her experience of a frightening incident where she was attacked. She described the attacker as very aggressive, leading to a violent struggle. However, despite the chaos, he did not take any of the jewellery that was kept nearby. Kareena also mentioned that her family managed to escape to the 12th floor of their building for safety.
Kareena stated to the police that she was present during the incident and witnessed the intruder stabbing Saif multiple times. “The attacker was aggressive. I saw him attack Saif repeatedly…Our priority was to take Saif to the hospital. After the attack, I was terrified, so Karisma took me to her house.” she added.
About The Police Investigation
The Mumbai Police are doubling down on their efforts to investigate a recent attack. They have taken over 30 witness statements and collected security camera footage from the Bandra area. Three suspects are being questioned, although no one has been arrested yet. To solve the case, 20 police teams and 10 teams from the Crime Branch are working around the clock to find and catch the responsible person.
Meanwhile, doctors at Lilavati Hospital successfully operated on Saif Ali Khan, removing a knife blade that was 2.5 inches long from his spine and fixing a leak of spinal fluid. He is currently stable and being monitored by medical staff. Kareena has shared her heartfelt thanks to the doctors and the police for their quick response during this emergency.
Kareena and Saif have been married since 2012 and are the proud parents of two sons, Taimur and Jeh. Recently, Kareena expressed her worries about her family’s safety after this event.” We were all shaken, but Saif’s bravery kept us safe.” she shared in a social media post.
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