New Delhi: Kareena Kapoor Khan was seen leaving the Mumbai airport late Sunday night with her one-year-old son Jehangir Ali Khan and his nanny. However, as she approached the entry gate, a swarm of people swarmed her to take photos with her, causing her to become agitated. Her security crew intervened quickly and cleared the way for her to pass through.
A swarm of fans gathered around Kareena as she came out of her car wearing a white shirt and track trousers with a knitted sleeveless sweater and shades and headed towards the entrance. A admirer was going to lay his arm around the actor’s shoulder for a selfie when she was prevented in time by her security. Kareena recovered her calm and continued on her journey. The nanny appeared shortly afterwards, following her with Jeh in her arms.
“Oh god. What’s wrong with people !!!” one person said, while another person wrote, “This is not right, fans should know how to behave.” “People have gone Mad or what ? Have some decency,” another netizen wrote.
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Kareena went for London to begin filming her next film, which will be directed by Hansal Mehta. Ekta Kapoor will co-produce the film through her Balaji Motion Pictures business. Kareena had announced the film last August. She posted a photo of herself with Hansal Mehta and Ekta Kapoor on Instagram, “New Beginnings.”
Recently, Kareena Kapoor Khan give a rip-roaring feedback to the cast and crew of Vikram Vedha starring Saif Ali Khan and Vikram Vedha.