Recently, TV actor Karanveer Mehra has successfully won the title of Bigg Boss 18 along with taking home the winner’s cash award of ₹50 lakhs. With versatility shown in acting experience, Karan’s career timeline in the field of entertainment can be filled with highs and lows, yet making his mark all through by rendering notable performances to television shows, web series, and films.
The Rise Of Karanveer Mehra
Karan was born on December 28, 1977, in Delhi. His acting career started in 2005. Year after year, he gained solid ground in television as well. He turned out to be a household name because of some successful serials. Though personal life and professional life had so many ups and downs, he is a good example of one who has kept his head held high due to his resilience and talent.
Karanveer Mehra’s Net Worth
Karanveer Mehra’s net worth is reportedly around ₹12 crore. Such a massive amount is the result of his income from television shows, web series, and his participation in reality shows. The latest victory in Bigg Boss 18 has significantly increased his fortune with the cash prize of ₹50 lakh.
During Bigg Boss 18, Karan was said to be earning around ₹2 lakh per week. This steady income from the show together with other works contributed much to Karan’s financial success. Karan proving himself a shining hero by remaining a key figure in the industry despite all the challenges he faced further proves his hard work and dedication.
Succes In Khatron Ke Khiladi 14
Before winning Bigg Boss 18, Karanveer Mehra had even won Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. His gutsy attitude and performance in the daring stunt-based reality show made him the people’s favorite and rewarded him with a winning amount of ₹20 lakhs.
Karanveer Mehra has estimated to have a net worth of ₹12 crore and appears to be just getting started. Now that he has clinched Bigg Boss 18 title it is expected that there will be massive growth in his net worth as well.