Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 18 may have concluded, but it seems the tension between contestants continues. Recently, Vivian Dsena, the show’s runner-up, hosted a grand party and invited several contestants. However, neither Karan Veer Mehra nor any member of his group were seen at the event. Karan Veer has now opened up about the snub, sharing his thoughts in a conversation with the ‘Shuddh Manoranjan’ YouTube channel.
Karan Veer Responds To Not Being Invited
When asked about not being invited to Vivian’s party, Karan Veer took a casual stance. “It’s fine, bro. If Vivian had invited me, I would’ve gone, but since I wasn’t invited, no problem,” he said. He went on to acknowledge the nature of competition on Bigg Boss, stating, “The trophy was meant to be won by one person. Naturally, if one person wins, the other is bound to feel bad.” Karan Veer added, “If I throw a party, I will invite everyone. You should come too. I have a big heart!”
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That's the difference between @KaranVeerMehra & 1st runnerup 🔥🔥😎
"Bulaya th chale jata … Nehi bulaya th koi baat nehi hai.. but main jab party rakhunga tab sabko bulaunga even aapko bhi bulaunga sir" 💯🥹❤️ @ShudhManoranjan sir#KaranveerMehra #BiggBoss18— Cutieepiee❤️ (@prixanki1) January 22, 2025
Chum Breaks Silence On Vivian’s Party Snub
It wasn’t just Karan Veer who had something to say about Vivian’s party. Fellow contestant Chum Darang, who also wasn’t seen at the party, shared her perspective when approached by the paparazzi. “Vivian would have had to invite me for me to attend,” Chum remarked. She further explained that Vivian had not invited her because she was from a different team. When the paparazzi suggested they would ask Vivian about this, Chum responded nonchalantly, “No worries, what can we do now?”
The ongoing dynamics between Bigg Boss 18 contestants continue to keep fans intrigued as the drama unfolds even after the show’s conclusion.
Also Read: When Will Karan Veer Mehra Propose To Chum Darang? Bigg Boss 18 Winner Spills The Beans!