In an unexpected twist, Karan Veer Mehra made a jaw-dropping confession during his appearance on Elvish Yadav’s podcast. The actor admitted to spending a significant amount of money to secure his victory in Bigg Boss 18, a statement that has taken everyone by surprise and has led to widespread discussions across social media and news platforms. This sparked debates across social media, with fans and critics alike questioning the legitimacy of his victory.
Bigg Boss, a show known for its viewer voting system, has often been subject to controversies and Karan’s comment has only added fuel to the fire. While some viewers are shocked by the statement, Others are speculating that Karan Veer Mehra’s statement was simply sarcasm, intended to dismiss all the rumours. The actor, however, has yet to clarify whether his words were entirely serious or if they were part of a larger jest during the podcast, leaving fans confused and eager for further clarification.
Reactions From Fans
Karan’s confession has sparked a range of responses from fans. Many have expressed their disappointment and have trolled Karan Veer Mehra and Bigg Boss 18 for its credibility. A user shared “Paid Media with a clown face emoji.” Another wrote “Big Boss Se Biswas Uth Gya Agar Scripted na ho toh bhulo.”
Paid Media 🤡#ElvishYadav #ElvishArmy
— Elvish Army (Fan Account) (@elvisharmy) January 23, 2025
Big Boss Se Biswas Uth Gya Agar Scripted na ho toh bhulo💀#ElvishYadav #ElvishArmy
— Yash Negi (Elvish Yadav❤️) (@Yashnegisystum) January 23, 2025