New Delhi: Karan Singh Grover appears to be prepared to take on the role of father. Bipasha Basu, who is expecting their first child, took to Instagram on Friday and shared a video of Karan singing to her baby bump. Their fans’ hearts are melting as they flood the comments section of Bipasha’s post with heart and fire emojis.
In the video, Karan appeared in a close-up shot as he faced Bipasha’s bare baby bump and sang, “I have waited for so long so say this to you.” Sharing the video, the mom-to-be wrote, “Dad mode. @iamksgofficial singing to baby, talking to baby… soothes the baby in the womb…”
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The couple announced their pregnancy in an Instagram post. They wrote, “A new time, a new phase, a new light adds another unique shade to our prism of life. Making us a little more whole than we used to be. We began this life individually and then we met each other and from then we were two. Too much love for only two, seemed a little unfair for us to see…so soon, we who once were two will now become three.”
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The couple announced their pregnancy in an Instagram post. They wrote, “A new time, a new phase, a new light adds another unique shade to our prism of life. Making us a little more whole than we used to be. We began this life individually and then we met each other and from then we were two. Too much love for only two, seemed a little unfair for us to see…so soon, we who once were two will now become three.”