New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut on Monday visited Vrindavan along with her family to seek blessings at Banke Bihari Temple. A huge crowd was seen running towards the actress as she reached the premises of Banke Bihari temple. Tight security had to be arranged to make Kangana’s exit from the temple possible.
Kangana reached the temple’s VIP area and amidst Vedic chanting, she was engrossed in offering prayers for some time. Following that, she chanted “Radhe Radhe” and left for the Nidhivan Raj Temple, which is the birthplace of Banke Bihari.
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Post worship, Kangana had an interaction with the media. She was seen saying, “it is our good fortune that we get the privilege of seeing Krishna and Radhe Maa.”
Look at her pictures here
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Kangana is currently gearing up for her upcoming release Emergency. The film Emergency is based on the life of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and Kangana plays the late politician. Kangana is also the project’s director. In the film, Shreyas Talpade will play former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and Anupam Kher will play Jayaprakash Narayan. The movie is written and directed Kangana. Ritesh Shah penned the screenplay and dialogues. The film is produced by Renu Pitti and Kangana.