Kangana Ranaut’s directorial venture Emergency is in legal hot water as the Patna High Court has issued notices to the actress and several others involved with the film. The notice follows a petition filed by Kalpana Singh, the daughter-in-law of renowned national poet Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’. The petition claims that the copyright of Dinkar’s iconic poem ‘Singhasan Khali Karo Ki Janata Aati Hai’ was violated in the film.
Patna High Court Notice Sent To Kangana and Others
On Thursday, the Patna High Court heard the petition filed by Kalpana Singh and issued notices to Kangana Ranaut and others, including the producer of Emergency, to respond. The petition had sought an immediate ban on the film’s release, but the court dismissed that request, allowing the movie to be shown in theaters.
Allegations Of Copyright Violation
Kalpana Singh has accused the filmmakers of using the famous line from Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’s poem, ‘Singhasan Khali Karo Ki Janata Aati Hai,’ in the promotional material and song of the film Emergency without obtaining permission. The movie, which was directed by Kangana Ranaut and featured lyrics by Manoj Muntashir, has now become the center of a copyright dispute.
A legal notice regarding the issue was initially sent out on August 31, 2024, but no response was given by the film’s team. Despite the lack of reply, the movie was released in January 2025.
Court Schedules Next Hearing
Kalpana Singh has called for action against both the film’s producers and Kangana Ranaut for violating copyright laws. The film was released in theaters on January 17, 2025, with Kangana portraying former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The case continues to gain attention, especially given that Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ is hailed as one of India’s national poets. The Patna High Court has scheduled the next hearing for March 7, 2025, marking a key date in the ongoing legal battle.