The tragic death of actor Pratyusha Banerjee from the popular show Balika Vadhu in 2016 deeply affected the entertainment industry. Her friend, actor Kamya Panjabi, stepped up to support Pratyusha’s family and publicly criticized her ex-boyfriend, Rahul Raj Singh. Almost nine years later, Rahul made some unexpected claims about Pratyusha and Kamya in a recent interview.
Rahul claimed that Kamya was the first to suggest that Pratyusha may have been murdered, a theory later supported by Vikas Gupta and Rakhi Sawant. He accused Vikas of not helping Pratyusha find job opportunities and misrepresenting her financial situation. Additionally, Rahul alleged that Kamya had borrowed ₹2.5 lakh from Pratyusha and never repaid it.
He also mentioned that Kamya and Pratyusha used to drink heavily and that he tried to stop them from doing so. As a result, Pratyusha gradually stopped attending parties, which led to Rahul being perceived as the ‘bad guy’ by her friends. Rahul further accused Kamya of encouraging Pratyusha to drink.
These statements have reignited controversy surrounding Pratyusha’s case. Rahul himself faced serious accusations related to her death. In 2023, a Mumbai court denied his plea to be released from these charges, concluding that his actions contributed to Pratyusha’s despair.
Comment Of Pratyusha’s Father
Pratyusha’s father recently shared his thoughts on his daughter’s case, hoping the truth will eventually come to light. This case has been ongoing for eight years, and her family is anxious to see justice served. As the investigation progresses, new information is emerging, helping to shed light on the circumstances surrounding Pratyusha’s heartbreaking death.
What Happened To Pratyusha?
Pratyusha Banerjee, a well-known actor, took her own life reportedly due to the mistreatment she experienced from Rahul Raj. This mistreatment included physical, emotional, and financial abuse, which contributed to her depression. According to SJ Ansari, an additional sessions judge, Pratyusha had shared her feelings about wanting to end her life with her aunt, Barnali Banerjee, and a tarot card reader. This information was highlighted in a court, which denied Rahul Raj’s request to be dismissed from the case.
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